The second half of this year was...unusual, to tell the truth, but I was still able to somewhat acclimate to project-based learning at home. My Transitional Presentation of Learning (TPOL) covers that and more, wrapping up this year with a bang! For my final project, I decided to do something a little different- I used skills that I learned at home to create a symbolic Osprey mask! Below is the official document and prewrite, with pictures linked.
What worked well? I was feeling comfortable when it was time to present, so I tried making a little joke at the beginning. The panel laughed, teachers and students both, and it helped lighten the mood for my presentation. I think I achieved the perfect balance of professionalism and connection to the audience. The presentation went very well.
What didn’t? This project went very smoothly and turned out well, so not much went wrong with the project itself. However, if I were to do this again, I would not worry so much about the time limit. I realized after watching several other presentations that time was definitely not graded as harshly as I’d expected-instead, it was more of an afterthought. If I’d realized that before, I definitely would have stressed less about that.
What is your SMART goal? Since I sometimes have trouble with procrastination and motivation, I am going to get a planner to plan out worktime for large assignments. For motivation, I am going to ask myself about the end result of all projects I do, how I am going to finish them, and why they’re important. I will try to make the answers meaningful.